About Holly

Holly joined Relish School Food when she finished her GCSE's in August 2022, her first ever job as our Business Administrator Apprenticeship.

Holly’s main role is to input all supplier invoices onto the accounts system, liaise with suppliers and provide full administrative support for the Managing Director and Company Accountant. Holly is thoroughly enjoying learning a wide range of different skills that come with the job, and loves being part of the finance team!

Holly has a keen eye for numbers and number crunching, she's not afraid to ask questions - which is a great strength as an apprentice! She's also the best tea and coffee making the midlands!

Personal Interests

Holly loves spending time with her dog, Willow, who she’s had since a pup. She enjoys going on long walks together in the fields, which is Willow’s favourite place to have a big run around!

Holly also has a love for shopping – especially now she is earning money and can spend and save at the same time. Her most recent investment is an Apple Macbook Air to help her with her apprenticeship studies.

She also enjoys going on holiday, and relaxing by the pool with a good rom-com book!

image of holly and a puppy
image of holly in a blue dress
image of holly walking her dog
second image of holly walking her dog